This blog is about to share my ideas,my opinions on various fields. i will be sharing my views on environmental issues and public issues.And also i share my tips on lifestyle and fittnes.



In India the railway is the most convenient and cheapest mode of transport.It has 115,000 km of track length.
It runs 12,617 trains to carry over 23 million passengers daily .
Most of railway track line pass through the forest, farming field's, rivers.
We people, most of the time travel on the trains and carries food items on  plastic packages, every time after having our food we just throw plastic waste out of window without having second thought, have we ever released how damage it causes to our earth .
Who cleans up plastic waste on tracks at romoted areas like forests, fields where we grow all kinds of crop?
It is nearly impossible to clean up these areas. so plastic thrown here can creates severe damage to the forest , rivers, farms  because the plastic in the soil releases the toxic chemicals which damage the fertility of land, that ultimately leads to slow  destruction of our planet
Wt happens to the earth if we throw plastic and leave it in soil ?
It takes 1 to 10centuries to decompose plastic into the earth, before that the plastic we thrown will brokes into micro plastic which makes earth toxic . That means it's pollutes oceans, rivers, forest land and farming lands due to this, it  creates the great impact on marine life, wild life, farming, 
How can we control?
First thing is self awareness, feel this is our responsibility to save our planet. 
Just use dustbins in train,which are situated in every compartment.
Bring awareness on people and make them follow.
"It's our responsibility to save our God(nature)"


  1. It is the high time to take care of this situation...

  2. Ya...we should ..there no time.
    Every human should feel it's their responsibility.
    For this a strict orders should be implemented by respecctive government.

  3. Brother,

    India has got few other needs of the hour.
    I cant give you stats i reckon , but hunger and population is way more serious than the subject of your blog. Lets decide our primary obejectives. Lets stop copying Western countries and not just use slogans like " Say no to crackers" & " Say no to plastics".
    Lets control the population first. Everything might take a better turn.
    Let the taboo of salary of a man and beauty of a woman die and let us witness a better India , a legacy in the make.
    Thanks & Regards

    1. Bro,
      Igot ur point but this blog only related to plastic pollution. Anyway here is my point,
      plastic pollution is not a issue of India or another country's a global problem.
      Every human on this planet should take the responsibility.
      Thank you.


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