This blog is about to share my ideas,my opinions on various fields. i will be sharing my views on environmental issues and public issues.And also i share my tips on lifestyle and fittnes.



Plastic is a wonderful invention, it makes our lives cheapest and easy. But in the case of usage and proper disposal we failed. So all nations had ban single usage plastic.

MARINE PLASTIC POLLUTION is major problem on our earth, it's damaging entire marine life.
About 300million tons of produce every year, and at least 8million tons of it goes into world oceans. 
In oceans nearly 80% of total plastic debris come from surface water to deep sea sediments.
Marine species ingest or entangled by plastic waste, due to this leads into injuries and even death.
Plastic pollution treatens the safety and quality of food , human health problems, coastal tourism, and leads climate change.
The problem
Plastic is a synthetic polymer  made from petroleum products which uses in applications like food packaging, construction, Sports products, household appliances, electronics, vehicles.
Plastic is cheap , light in weight, stronger and mealleable property. And single usage plastic like straws, plastic bags, bottles and cups.
The main source of pollution is land based, urban based, and Strom, beach visitors, inadequate waste disposal and management.
Ocean-based plastic  are from fishing industry, nautical operations

Under influence of uv radiation, wind, currents and other natural source. The plastic particles turns into small fragments, termed as microplastics or nano plastic.

 The most worst thing is swallowing of plastic by marine species which leads to indigestion and suffocation, entanglement of hundreds of marine species. (Such as birds, fisheries, turtles, ) they mistake plastic as their prey , and most of them die due to starvation as their stomach full plastic waste.
It creates major impact on food and health
because invisible plastic particles are recently identified in Salt , water and in beverages in all samples collected from world oceans,even in arctic.
It leads to chances of damage our endocrine system causing development of immunity dissorder in both wildlife and humans.

There is a need of bringing rules and regulations into strict and serious.
Recycling and reusing of plastic can minimise the  level pollution.
Support for research and innovation to develop new product to replace the single use plastic.

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